Friday, September 10, 2010

WEEK FOUR in MRS A's Physics class

This week.....I have completed the Newton Quiz, Mastering physics, Reading the chapter, a coffee n-spire lab, and am working on the standardized test to get ready for the chapter four test on Friday.  I enjoyed this chapter because it closely relates to math which is one of my strong points.  F=ma(or)g was the focus of this chapter and also the 3 newton laws.  I thought I needed to work on my understanding of elevator problems.  After doing the elevator lab, however, I understand and was even able to explain it to my lab partners.


  1. That's great about the lab making everything clearer. What is the best resource you've found thus far? Is the pace appropriate for you? What would you like to do more/less of? Thanks for your ideas! Mrs. A. :)

  2. The book
    I think two weeks for each chapter or unit is sufficient
    I like doing problems
