Tuesday, September 28, 2010


In physics this week we have been learning about vectors by doing  a hands on lab.
The lab was a lot of drawing and measuring as well as trigonometry.  It was fun still.  It  helped me learn about components, subtracting vectors, and measuring angles accurately.  I only have a problem with the prelab 9 and 10 and I am going to talk to Mrs. Athens about these as soon as she has the time.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Physics CH4

This week I have been trying to successfully pass with an A chapter 4 test.  I still have to take it again to attempt this.  So far I understand the concept and have completed my volos; I just need to pass the test.  I have made a to-do list and hopefully I will be able to retest soon so that my live will be slightly less stressful.   YAY! Now we are working on a vector lab which is fun.  We get to draw triangles and use trig to find the displacement.  I LOVE IT!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

WEEK FOUR in MRS A's Physics class

This week.....I have completed the Newton Quiz, Mastering physics, Reading the chapter, a coffee n-spire lab, and am working on the standardized test to get ready for the chapter four test on Friday.  I enjoyed this chapter because it closely relates to math which is one of my strong points.  F=ma(or)g was the focus of this chapter and also the 3 newton laws.  I thought I needed to work on my understanding of elevator problems.  After doing the elevator lab, however, I understand and was even able to explain it to my lab partners.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Physics week 2

This week I worked on my volo contracts.  I completed the outline, extra work assignments, mastering physics, and the  free fall lab.  I was so excited when I came up with the whole "can we save it as a list" idea.  I was even more excited when it worked.  So far the equations of motion and how to use them has been relitively easy.  I know that that is a good thing and that repetition is how I will remember how to use them.  Our group is almost all ahead and that is a very good thing.  I am hoping to use the test time to either work on physics ahead of time or other online assignments.  Mastering physics wasn't terrible.  In fact I rather enjoyed it.  It was annoying though when there were no hints on some of the harder questions.  Other than that this week has been very enjoyable and valuable from a learning standpoint.